CBD Full Spectrum CBD Vs. Isolate: Which One Is Better?

Ever since its discovery as natural remedy for a myriad of issues from inflammation to life-threatening seizures, cannabidiol (CBD) has received massive media and scientific attention. Derived from industrial hemp, this contains little to no THC, the psychoactive ingredient found in marijuana. Consequently, it’s considered a nutritional supplement and available without a prescription in all 50 states.

Oils are just one of many options available for using or ingesting CBD. Within that realm lie two subgroups: full spectrum CBD and CBD isolate. The nature of their contents make a significant difference on the overall efficacy of the product. With this in mind, let’s take a look at what makes full spectrum CBD and isolates different.

Full Spectrum vs. Isolate: What Sets Them Apart?

  • Full Spectrum CBD

CBD isn’t the only cannabinoid found in hemp. With full spectrum CBD, other cannabinoids like cannabinol (CBN) and tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) are just two of many, many compounds from hemp that are left in the oil after processing.

  • Isolate

As the name implies, isolate products consist of pure CBD, with all of the other cannabinoids effectively removed. Initially believed to be more potent, this was disproven in 2015.

Which is Better?

To be fair, both full spectrum and isolates are beneficial; however, in terms of effectiveness, it appears that full spectrum wins the day. This may seem counterintuitive, since in our minds “pure” usually implies heavier concentration and – by default – higher potency. This isn’t the case with CBD, however, due to the “entourage effect”.

To better understand the difference, think of CBD oil as a soccer game. Full spectrum consists of a complete team of players, while isolate only has a goalie. Although there’s still a possibility that the isolate “team” could score a goal, the odds are more in full spectrum’s favor. This is because, like our team, full spectrum CBD effectively joins forces with the other cannabinoids, interacting with the body in a different, more efficient manner.

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